Buy Lay's French Cheese Potato Chips, 155g Online | Carrefour KSA

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Lay's French Cheese Potato Chips, 155g

Pack size : 155g

SAR 5.95SAR 8.25(Inc. VAT) 28% OFF

Sold & Delivered by Carrefour
Origin -
Saudi Arabia
  • Lays finest, best ever chips made from the finest potatoes and enhanced with a rich andcreamy flavor of French Cheese.
  • Crunchier, thicker and intensely flavorful potato crisps.
  • Superior chips, superior packaging to instantly uplift your senses.
  • Perfect on-the-go snack to indulge at home or work, while binge-watching or unwinding they are also great for sharing and spreading joy at gatherings.
  • Best paired with your choice of soft drink.
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Nutrition facts

Energy in kcal 131kcalCarbohydrates 12.1gSugar 0.5gProtein 1.7gFat 8.5g Fibre 1.0gSaturates 3.8g Sodium 120mg

*Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calaries needs



Fresh potatoes Vegetable Oil (Sunflower Palmolein Antioxidants (E319 E307b)) French CheeseSeasoning [Wheat Flour Onion Salt Flavor Enhancers (E621 E508 E627) Sugar Nature IdenticalCheese and Onion Flavor Flavoring Preparation Cheese and Onion Wheat Glucose Syrup Anti-Caking Agent (E551) Vegetable Oil (Sunflower) Garlic Colors (E160C E160B(i)) Cheese Powder(from cow’s milk) Natural Cheese and Onion Flavoring].Allergen: Ingredients contain milk (lactose) and wheat (cereal contains gluten)

Allergy Information

Ingredients contain wheat

Storage Condition

Keep the product away from heat and sun.

Brand Message

Prepare your taste buds for the BEST EVER Lay’s Chips! Introducing Lay’s French Cheese PotatoCrisps – your all-time favorite way to indulge in French sophistication. And get ready to be amazedbecause these rich and creamy chips are now even crunchier, thicker and more flavorful. With everybite, experience a crunch so perfect and a flavor so unique and intense, you’ll ask for more… andmore… and some more.Each bag of these delicious chips is carefully designed with a superior packaging to elevate theappeal of your appetizer table or snack drawer.These best ever Lay’s chips, made with the finest real potatoes and improved ingredients andquality, are guaranteed to spread joy and bring more flavors at your next chill time with friends orfamily gatherings. They are a perfect companion for binge-watchers, mid-night snackers and forthose who are simply looking to unwind their day on a crunchy, cheesy note.Stock up on these pantry-friendly bag of chips at home and at work to instantly indulge in its crunchyand flavorful taste or share and spread smile on the faces of your loved ones.Think of chips, think of the best ever Lay’s Chips – the world’s No.1 Potato Chips brand.